NJS Publishing

Thank you for choosing our organization for your book and manuscript publishing needs. Not only do we pride ourselves, but we are also committed to providing you with the best possible service and making our working relationship a success. The information enclosed will help you make the most of our services. Our mission is to be the catalyst where your voice, and your story, can be read. After reviewing the information, the next step is yours as we strive to make your book a reality. We look forward to answering any questions, comments, or concerns that you might have. Need help getting started, please call for your introductory complimentary planning session.



Book ManuScript

We will need a MSWord format and hard copy of your book manuscript to include Title/Subtitle and Selection/Table of Contents to preview for editing purposes. There is a need for you to complete a high-level overview and self-edit, including spellcheck.

Book Synopsis

We will need you to provide a summary or a blurb, which is a brief description of the book and the book plot, that should
immediately attract the attention of your reading audience. This will be used on the back cover.

Typesetting Ideas

At its core, typesetting is all about visual communication. It would be best if you had a visual of the interior of the book to create the best reading experience. What visual journey do you want to take your readers on?

Contact Information

How do you want your readers to contact you? Is your website up and ready? Is your email professional and reflects the book? Is your social media in place? How do we communicate with you?

NJS Collective


Book Promo Video

Video marketing spreads the word about your book. A video allows the author to forge an emotional connection with your audience.

Books Ordered

We will provide 20 advance copies of your book once completed. We will then provide you information for ordering more on your own.

Book Cover Design

We will design a cover that will capture the reader’s attention by telling a synopsis of the book before it is ever read.

Type Settings

Good typesetting leads the reader’s eye through the book invisibly and comfortably, .

Book Editors (upto 10,0000 words)

We will review and edit drafts and oversee publication processes, working closely with the author to perfect the manuscript.

Self Publisher Order at will

We will provide you with back-end access to your own self-publishing. You can order one copy or thousands of your book at the click of a button.
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